It's true we're

                                    Half Way There.

Quarter 2 is here!

School's is almost half way done, are you ready for the future! So far schools been stressing but it goes easier if you have interesting work to do.

Recently I watched a documentary about female prisons in Afghanistan. Females here were being imprisoned for simple crimes that people in our country would find unjust. For example a young girl in her late teens was imprisoned for just not coming home before her curfew, she was sentenced to 15 years in prison. There was a older lady who helped shelter her whom was also sentenced to prison for about 15 - 25 years. Its not my culture so I'm not one to judge, but Isn't this a little too extreme?

Not only is that apart of their custom but CAN YOU BELIEVE the the most modest and concealing of all Islamic woman cant show any part of their body. Not even the EYES!
How do they see? Well there's a layer of the burka veil which is a one-piece veil that covers the face and body often leaving just a mesh screen to see through.


Glad to see that you are taking something away from this book so far. On another note, I really like the font theme you selected for your blog. My comments write in script as I type!

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