The Importance of Bonds
Our Bonds
These are questions most people never think to consider because we are so comfortable in this day and age oblivious to our surroundings and the things we posses.
According to psychologists, studies show that we can't help but connect with others we are hardwired to be extremely social creatures, as humans we need each other. Our social drive is deeply rooted in our neuro-circuitry.
The truth is without each other we would frankly be, nothing....
Understand that I'm not saying one would be worthless, but I'm more so saying one would have many areas of imbalances especially mentally and socially. Healthy relationships play a very important role in our life the aid in the primary foundations of who we are and or how we present ourself to the world.
"Our fundamental social nature can hold the key to our success as a species our future our survival is intimately permanently bound up with that of the people around us." - David Eagleman
Is there anyone that you know for a fact that you can't live without? or rather wouldn't want to live without, because they're absolutely priceless to you?
Now imagine what is would feel like to not have that person.
imagine not having anyone to call on even when you're at your lowest
and feel you will to continue you journey withering.
Imagine what it would feel like to be in solitary confinement.
Having absolutely no one can lead you to madness, I imagine one would
lose minor or even all grasps of sanity.
Then look around and be thankful for all the friends and family that you have, and be thankful for the ones that are always there for you to help you SURVIVE.
Follow me for more holistic updates; more on this topic to be continued......