My theory on “Exploring Options”

 I saw this post on Twitter today and it brought forth an epiphany. 

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Why do women like men competing over them? Is it the same as why men like women competing over them? Does it make them feel valuable, wanted, needed? If so the root needs to be traced because these "wants/needs" come from a place of neglect/trauma. Possibly stemming from as far as their childhood. All it’s doing is just feeding your ego in actuality. Making you feel as if you’re "worthy" in some way, shape or form.

I personally don’t like men competing for me or even the idea of it. I hate having options or even getting to the point where I have to choose between people. I find that disrespectful to all parties.

 I don’t like being an option so why would I put anyone in the position of being my option? 

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I give the respect that I would want in return, my elders always said “Treat others how you would like to be treated & god will give you blessings.” Having options ain’t it, it means you don’t know what you want & you’re still trying to figure it out based off what people put down. 

Which One Decisions GIF  It means you’re willing to go through as many people necessary, until you meet someone who you find fulfilling enough in some way, shape or form.

It means even if you get someone who meets your desires..just incase, you’ll still be searching for someone who will fulfill your unconscious wants & needs. 

        Fixmylife GIF by Iyanla: Fix My Life   

Knowing what I want there is absolutely no one who can detour me from that & I’m not willing to entertain anyone willingly knowing that they aren’t what I’m looking for. That’s selfish & very inconsiderate towards everyone involved. Since in myself I know we aren’t aligned & would only be wasting each-others time/energy & money.

What I want I will find & I don’t have to frolic around with suitors for attention, sexual & emotional fulfillment to feel valuable & needed in the meantime.

Society tells people to keep their options open because the masses get attached and cling to anyone whom they feel has interest in them, even when it's not the best interest, so they teach emotional detachment instead of emotional discernment.

Explore your options is another way of saying “you don’t know what you want or what you’re looking for so go explore the plethora of people & or sexual partners in order to see everything you don’t want to narrow down what you do want.”  

Confused No Idea GIF by OWN: Oprah Winfrey Network

Why not just teach people to get in touch with themselves so they know what they want, so they don’t have to go through all the trauma, drama and carry baggages from what they don’t ever want to experience again?

  iyanla vanzant drama GIF by OWN: Oprah Winfrey Network

Such a foolish thing to teach the adolescent in my opinion. Because the previous generations settled for a majority of other reasons that had mostly nothing to do with love, they felt the only other option was to teach future generations to explore, instead of choosing from the heart & for integral reasons. Ultimately leading to the most traumatized and unhealthy generation thus far...

The vast majority is currently afraid of falling in love because of how much toxicity their “options” have shown them. All the cheating, control, lies, gold digging, clout chasing, sex addictions, drug addictions, mental disorders, emotional trauma, & melancholy helplessness etc. All this from “Exploring options” and people comparing past partners to new partners, & or their family, friends, and even their parents relationships with their very own.

No one feels safe enough to love because of how much the masses are exploring their options, always searching for the greener grass. Instead of mending their own lawn so the greener grass will appear right infront of them. 

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If you know what you want you can weed through all the Pests, all the extra trauma & baggage that you don’t need & you definitely do not want. Knowing exactly what you want will prevent you from settling with a lesson, bc thats truly what settling always ends up being, A LESSON THAT YOU SHOULDN’T SETTLE & WHAT YOU WANT CAN BE YOURS!

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            Follow me for more holistic updates; more on this topic to be continued......



Hugh said…
True…..I can have anything I want

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