My thoughts on what we truly want.
Along our journey of life, I find that often times the things we believe we truly want turn out to be not exactly that.

Our minds are very powerful portals, there is interconnectivity within all of us, within all living creatures on this plain. Through these portals we are able to allow or disallow legality, here is where we connect with Jah, Satan, or Soul. I like to picture the 3ro as in many cartoons I experienced as a child with a devil and an angel on opposite shoulders and soul vessel in the middle.
If we are willing enough to take the time to ground and differentiate where our thoughts are coming from, that is where we will find our voice but not only ours alone, we will also find Jah's voice & Satans/Demons voices. I say all of this to backup my opening statement, if we cannot differentiate the voices from the portals within our vessel then we remain dazed, often times dazed by Satan and dominions for they takes advantage of weak and ignorant minds, they funnel in like a river coming down from the hills when it rains; they flood your mind.

In life, this human journey can make us feel that we have to want and need certain tangible things in order to be deemed worthy and or successful; but on our soul journey all we want to feel successful is full awareness of soul, its interconnection & its power. What we need is the willingness to know that we are worthy just the way we are, while were working to be who we want. Who Jah knows frankly we are; who he made us to be.
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