My thoughts on why no one should be "Lead On"

In this society I've made it my duty to operate from the space of honesty, to be frank with all people and most importantly with myself.


LETS start with why :I intentionally don't give mixed signals, so for the people who believe I do, you are misconstruing my signals and trying to warp them into what you would preferably like to believe.*Just a little PSA ;}* In instances like this, is when they begin their process of going through the motions trying to figure out whether I want them or not, whether I like them or not. But like I said I'm very frank so why not just ask,*haha another lil psa;}* ask and you shall surely receive a more accurate answer than one provided to you by your assumptions.

NOW, I realize that if I spend too much time with any man they naturally begin to fall

in-love. So subsequently I can't actually get truly upset at the matter because I understand I'm just a very loving being. People are more than often going to misinterpret my love and care for something that could potentially be much more, but I would never intentionally withhold my feelings or even try to manipulate anyone into being fixated on me. I'm always trying to help people find the one for them & most times that isn't me. Everyone deserves someone who brings out the happy in them.

As far as I can see leading someone on is just as bad as emotional, mental and physical abuse. You're misusing their trust, respect, care, consideration, admiration etc; which means that their energy is being wrongly placed and invested which leads me to my next point, You're taking advantage of one of our greatest assets as human beings.... Time... Time is a gift we can never repay and or get back, once its gone, there is simply no possibility of receiving it back. Another point i'd like to add is toying with someones time, their energy and emotions, you're tearing them down mentally and aiding in the deterioration of it and also inspiring and or influencing a further disconnect from the mind to the body to the soul.

Frankly I think people should go to jail for a couple months so they can reevaluate their respect for
others and learn to be sincere. Lock em up and throw away the key until they understand the importance of integrity!

On a serious note though being clear and concise with your intentions, your boundaries, your wants and needs will save both parties a lot of what could potentially be wasted if the situation continued to escalate incongruently. Why cause damage to a beings mind, heart, and soul? Which takes a lifetime and even then it's not fully grown. It takes years to build trust but only a moment to shatter it, but if were following Watson's theory then it take seven months to build trust and just half that time to lose it. 

Manipulating people should be illegal because of the level of psychological damage that is inflicted upon the people being manipulated mind. It can come off senseless and even inhumane, I personally would never allow my ignorance to make me the perpetual predator to ones subconscious & emotions, its just not right and its just not at all in the slightest FAIR.

I hope this post will help aid in the pursuit of growth not only inwardly but outwardly to our people, to our animals, to our natural resources, and to our world because truly we are one, one that is stronger together than against each other. Respect yourself so you can respect others and gift them with grace, spare them what they do not need, spare them the "hurt people, hurt people" because that pain was never initially theirs to carry. So save them, if you're not for them and they want to be apart of your path just simply redirect them on the path they're meant to be not the path the want to be.


    Follow me for more holistic updates; more on this topic to be continued......



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