Why men love to suffer.

Being that I have two brothers & a guy best friend it's interesting paying attention to their perspectives. See the thing with most men, is they seem to join in on the same cycles, have an extremely reckless adolescence where they experience a plethora of traumas which they take into their early to late 20's. Then proceed to overwork themselves into their late 30's perhaps even further. By this time many of them would have already had a child/children most likely with a woman they no longer resonate with or even with a women who they didn't see or plan a future with. Thus, contributing to generational trauma based off un-healthy dynamics for a child to be nurtured in.
Even if they do not end up in said predicament, many childless men also live a very reckless & lustful ambitious life which still contributes a great deal to their trauma. Which increases based off how many distasteful unbelievable circumstances one finds themselves in. This is one of the root to why many men carry such deep seeded trust issues. Subsequently adding to their stress, regrets, baggages, desires, goals and feelings of scarcity that they're not where they should be in life or want to be."I highly doubt that all who live those perceived perfect lifestyles are fulfilled, but that's evident."
Men like shiny new things that excite the child within them, they don't pay attention to how this feeling is always fleeting, they don't see the perspective that they would have to continue on the chasing cycles to continuously attain shiny new things in their life. More than likely meaning they'll never truly experience contentment and fulfillment only temporary ever so fleeting happiness.

...... I'll dive a little deeper into this theory over time, consider this an introduction, an observation that has proven itself infront my eyes over an expansive period of time.
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