Why men love to suffer.

I say men love to suffer because thats all I've watched most of the men in my life do. I like to consider myself a spectator in many people's lives, especially of those I love the most. I care so much about their well being because of our bonds, but from what I've seen men prefer to operate like robots through life, they push what they truly need aside in order to attain the life that they want and desire.

The thing about this is most men have the inaccurate conception that if they work hard for the life they want and get it, they get to live a life of leisure then they'll truly be happy and everything 
that they need will just come right to them.

This isn't exactly accurate because in my perspective they're just doing what women do in relationships, they over romanticize. I'm not sure exactly what that's called when it pertains to finances but men put too much emphasis on their future which makes, so many of them more than often miss out on being happy in the now. 


Being that I have two brothers & a guy best friend it's interesting paying attention to their perspectives. See the thing with most men, is they seem to join in on the same cycles, have an extremely reckless adolescence where they experience a plethora of traumas which they take into their early to late 20's. Then proceed to overwork themselves into their late 30's perhaps even further. By this time many of them would have already had a child/children most likely with a woman they no longer resonate with or even with a women who they didn't see or plan a future with. Thus, contributing to generational trauma based off un-healthy dynamics for a child to be nurtured in. 

Even if they do not end up in said predicament, many childless men also live a very reckless & lustful ambitious life which still contributes a great deal to their trauma. Which increases based off how many distasteful unbelievable circumstances one finds themselves in. This is one of the root to why many men carry such deep seeded trust issues. Subsequently adding to their stress, regrets, baggages, desires, goals and feelings of scarcity that they're not where they should be in life or want to be. 

Why is it so many men think they're not where they want to be in life yet? The truth is most men are always chasing what they want, while neglecting what they actually need. My best friend believes, to men, it's a given that they're going to meet their needs regardless. But this is not always the case considering one of the most neglected needs of men is LOVE. 

Self love is the highest of importance yet it's more than often neglected by a large collective of men. Why do most men feel the necessity to be workaholics? I feel it has to do a great deal with comparison and self confidence & self-esteem. Most men lack in those areas because they were living life on fast forward, a lot of them still are. They want too much now when its not yet their time, this is how many fall victim to get rich quick schemes etc; they want the life they fantasize about to appear into their reality immediately. They see other men enjoying this lifestyle and they want that while they're young without knowing how that person got there, what it entails and if they're even fulfilled. 

"I highly doubt that all who live those perceived perfect lifestyles are fulfilled, but that's evident."

Men like shiny new things that excite the child within them, they don't pay attention to how this feeling is always fleeting, they don't see the perspective that they would have to continue on the chasing cycles to continuously attain shiny new things in their life. More than likely meaning they'll never truly experience contentment and fulfillment only temporary ever so fleeting happiness. 

Love is the only lasting constant of this world, yet men evade it till later. Perhaps for that very reason that it will always be there.... but are they selling themselves short? Love will always be there but will it be the right love? The right bond? The right God given and blessed connection? Will that person they choose in the end be able to fulfill all their needs, not only their wants and desires? Or would it be false love which is really just lust & infatuation?

Will by the time they're ready for love & companion to continue this journey called life, would it be earned, available & gifted to them? Or will they be so filled and overwhelmed with trauma that they reject, neglect are just be confused to recognize the purest form of love when it's given to them?


...... I'll dive a little deeper into this theory over time, consider this an introduction, an observation that has proven itself infront my eyes over an expansive period of time.

                                                                .... TO BE CONTINUED.... 

  Follow me for more holistic updates; more on this topic to be continued......



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