Where are we now?

Originally, I planned on posting some un-finished blogs, but for some reason I just didn't really feel called in that direction. I'd hit the keyboard to begin and just like that all thoughts..gone with the wind. But this topic..! This topic has a sense of inspiration that came with it, so much so.. that I couldn't wait to get to my computer after finishing the dishes.  

So let me check in. Let us check in. Let's ask ourself a very important question, WHERE ARE WE NOW?

Random and slightly off topic but that Justin Bieber song "Where are you now" just popped in my mind, perhaps that song will apply for someone, but as for right now let me get back on topic. 

Where are we now is a great question to introspect in many areas of our life. For instance;

Are you where you are the happiest? Are you where you are the most at peace? Have you even discovered better yet felt a sense of peace? Are you disappointed in yourself? When you are with other's do you still feel alone? When you're alone do you feel the desire to escape, like you'll absolutely go insane if you spend more time alone? Have you met any of your goals? Have you accomplished any of your dreams? Have you been creating and cultivating the life you truly want and need? Do you think God would be proud of who, where and what you're doing today? Are you proud of yourself? Are you grateful for the life that you have & that you still have time to create the life that you can and will be proud of? 

Deep thought provoking questions aren't they? As deep as they may seem I guarantee you the answers will come to you almost instantly... & if they do not; ask yourself why is it so hard for you to get to know the best person you could ever know.. SELF.

Then ask yourself these questions; What blockages do I have? What am I afraid of currently? What is clouding me from seeing and accepting the truth? Do I find more comfort in denial and delusions than I do reality..? Why is that? Do I feel safe in my hands? or Do I feel susceptible because I know I've hurt myself very deeply & might end up doing so again? Am I my biggest enemy? Am I my biggest hater? Why don't I trust myself? Why do I find difficulty being honest with myself? If it's just me & me..who am I afraid of disappointing?

Now, you must have been able to answer at least 2-4 of these questions. Now, I'm going to request you do two thing's before I go. Remember how far you've came, see you may overlook it everyday but you are indeed very strong. After all you made it here to this blog, to this community, to this.. guidance. Your willingness alone, to seek out aid, to seek out wisdom is a sign of how much you care about yourself & though you may make missteps and bad judgements the overall premise is to continue learning, to keep being a student to life so that eventually you to will have the strength and power to be a leader, & then hopefully give back to the community, pass on the love, the wisdom, and the message that you too can find your way back to, whole. BACK TO HOME... TO HEAVEN. 

You deserve all the beauty, all the love, all the bliss and magic that God has awaiting for you in this life. You deserve the Heaven God has awaiting you after all your purposeful work, you'll find it here on earth. 

Always remember self preservation is key, don't go out here trying to people please. Please, please yourself first beloved. Protect yourself, Protect your heart, & Guard your mind. 

Lastly, I'll leave you with this.. What can you do to reroute yourself? I'll share with you some wisdom passed on to me by a Sage "Healing is not done when we want to, it is done when we have to. Transformations do not happen when we are filled with cortisol. Cortisol can be a motivator but when it is a constant then it will always hinder you, it will 100% decrease your chances of transforming & or evolving." 

Before choosing to heal yourself consider your surroundings and whom you choose to be connected with, & remember what the elder's always said; "You are who you surround yourself with." or some may better recognize this as " Birds of a feather flock together." Are the people who you surround yourself with positive or negative role models? Would you feel happy and at peace living the same life that they lead? Do they look happy at peace and fulfilled with the life that they lead?

Always remember only focus on the circumstances that you can and are able to control, not those out of your control. You do your part and watch God make a way for you. In fact watch God clear way for you. 

Follow me for more holistic updates; more on this topic to be continued......


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